The Gift of Friends and a Blog Award



Hope you’re all having a super fantastic 2012, and, here’s hoping, also, that you’re sticking to your list of New Year resolutions.

My last year’s resolution was to get off all social network sites and to finally get a life…but that only lasted a couple of days. No surprise. Therefore, this year I have kept my NY resolution short, simple and sweet — ‘I want to be the best ME I can possibly be!’ So, fingers crossed.

As we celebrate, I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you for reading my blog. It’s much appreciated!

I truly value your comments, feedback and your visits to Maloquacious. Friends, family, fellow bloggers… Bless you.

I’m so grateful for the oh-so-many friends I have made, and I look forward to embracing new ones in yet another beautiful year of bounteous blessings.

It has brought me immense joy to read and learn from your various blogs; the themes and topics are mind-boggling and the illustrations, simply perfect. Some posts are informative, thought-provoking, while others are crackingly funny and witty. And there are those that touch my heart and make me all teary-eyed.

I began blogging last September and am now hooked, unable to resist. On my part, I put together words in the hope of creating a favourable melody that leaves a gentle whisper of joy, peace and harmony for others to enjoy.

Last month I received my very first blog award. My reaction? Stunned and delighted. Yes, wow, indeed!

Rightly so, I was pleasantly shocked and sincerely humbled to receive the Liebster Blog award from my dear friend Melissa. I have always found her blog inspiring and enlightening:

The Liebster Blog Award is given to upcoming bloggers who have less than 200 followers.

Liebster is German (n.) and means: sweetheart, beloved person, darling.

Melissa gave it to me stating: ‘..because she has a happy spirit, and is a colorful fun-loving blogger.’×7-link-award-the-candle-lighter-award-and-the-happy-blog-award/

Gosh, I am indeed touched.  As a new blogger, hugely encouraged. Here’s a big ‘thank you!’ for the honour, Melissa.

In the end, I thank you all for your continued interest in what I write. God bless you for your friendship. I do so cherish the bond we have formed in the blogosphere. Thank you, my fellow bloggers, for allowing me into your world. 🙂  

Maloquacious © 2012

25 responses »

  1. Pingback: Second Liebster Blog Award. « Ralphie´s Portal

    • Priya, what a wonderful comment…thank you! Thank you too, for allowing me the privilege of being a part of your life and your fabulous blog…simply love it! 🙂


  2. Congratulations on your blog award too! I was chuckling as I read your resolution to get a life… I’ve been saying the same thing to myself but this blogging thing is addictive… I’m working on the weaning process as I do need to cut back a bit… Have a phenomenal year anyway! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks tons, Elizabeth! Totally agree with you that blogging is addictive, but best part of it is I love all the new friends I’ve made, such as you, and look forward to embracing more! xx


  3. Yay, congratulations on getting an award! I never bother to have New Year’s resolutions. I know I can never keep them. I was thinking of eating less sugar, maybe, but I already had a Butterfinger a few days ago, so I failed already.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Aww, don’t fret about the Butterfinger, Duck, you’re doing great…and I simply love your blog! Thank you for the good wishes, I’m truly chuffed about it!


  4. Oh Didi just superb usual i enjoyed this one also…luv the way u write as well the way u speak…the way u put together words is the same as the way u talk…that is what has made me luv u since childhood…when i was a little girl and came to visit at your place from a far off place….an admirer of yours…Your only Khala’s daugther…Farah Khalifa….

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi Mal. I’m back from the dead and as promised I’m droppiing by. Congrats on your award. Hope you have a fabulous 2012 and that your blog is a fulfilling part of it all. Blessings to you and yours. Eleanor

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Congratulations Mal!!! Being the best you sounds like the perfect resolution. One foot in front of the other doing the best you can. Remember also to believe the best is possible and that you deserve the best and the year is a can’t lose! Congrats again :).

    Liked by 1 person

    • I truly appreciate your good wishes, Mairzeebp…thanks, a million times over!! Totally agree with you that this year will be a super fantastic, win-win year for all of us! Cheers.. 🙂


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