Daily Archives: January 17, 2012

Of children, fairies and a sprinkle of magical dust

For many years now I have been writing stories for children. I cherish the fact that I see everything around me with ‘child-like’ wonder…as if I’m looking at something for the very first time; when, in actual fact, the objects and events are hovering around me all the time. What an incredible feeling!
Here, I’d like to share with you one of my favourite short stories. It’s about a fairy called Aranda. Also, Fairy Be Happy. Ah, yes, and the story wouldn’t be complete without the little elf. And the toadstool…and a sprinkle of magic dust.
Fairy – "Take the Fair Face of Woman"...

Image via Wikipedia


‘Boo hoo! What am I going to do?’ the pretty little fairy sobbed as she wiped away a tiny tear from her wispy lashes.

The distraught Fairy Aranda was standing in front of Fairy Be Happy, the old fairy who looked after all the fairies in the land. She was now quite concerned about her.

‘Aranda, my love, you will have to create a flower for yourself. The other fairies have worked hard and produced beautiful bouquets of exquisite blooms. You must do the same,’ said Fairy Be Happy, tenderly.

‘But that’s just it! They’ve taken all the flowers and now there’s nothing left for me. It’s not fair!’ she cried, tightly clutching her magic wand in annoyance.

Grumbling, she rattled on about how Fairy Cerise had painted flowers red and called them ‘Roses.’ And how Fairy Tawny had created the yellow ‘Buttercups’ and ‘Daffodils.’ She spoke about Fairy Aquamarine and her ‘Bluebells’ and ‘Forget-me-nots.’ The list was endless, as were her complaints.

‘Aranda dearest,’ said Fairy Be Happy, finally, ‘You must go out and search for that elusive flower. Look about you. Be creative – a new flower, a plant, which will only be yours, so let your imagination fly!’ and she hugged the little fairy to coax her on her way.

Although a wee bit upset, Aranda bade goodbye and immediately set to work. She leapfrogged over tufts of grass and hopped over tiny pebbles to get to the woods. She was determined to succeed in her quest.

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