Tag Archives: sailing

Down By The River

Courtesy of S.Q

Courtesy of S.Q

I’m sailing down the river

Delightful, yes I know…

The sun is shining brightly

And the gentle wind does blow.

My hair is all awry

Defiant curls tousle all about…

Methinks they protest, just a wee

But heck, those cares I toss straight out!

For I am to enjoy this sunny day

To smile away the frowns…

As today, I wish to think of Peace

And not, of my ups and downs.

I see the trees on either side

Green, lush, so full of life…

Swaying slowly, gently bowing

Thanking Him for giving life.

The sky is blue, light and clear

No dark clouds, no tempest seen…

Embrace the pleasures of this fine day

Its beauty… Ah, the splendour so serene!

The ripples on the river

Artistically, bob here and there…

As the boat sails on by slowly

Happily, bearing its precious ware.

Excited faces all around me

Grinning, from ear to ear…

Like me, they too, decided

To toss away their fears.

Today, we are grateful, most thankful,

“Oh, yes!”  we loudly say…

We thank You, Lord, with all our heart

For the blessing of this day!

Maloquacious © 2014