Daily Archives: November 15, 2011

Promise me


Yesterday, Lynne Anderson delightfully serenaded: ‘I never promised you a rose garden.’

Today, there’s a different sort of promise. Today, I want you to promise me something precious – a promise of Gratitude.

Promise me that you will whisper a little prayer to thank Him for each and every blessing. Promise me that you will do it right now.


Image via Wikipedia

Never mind about how you are feeling; ignore that self-pity and the sense of inadequacy. Quit pointing fingers and stop blaming others. Allez! End it all. Pronto. ASAP.

Enough is enough! Or, as I usually say, ‘nuff is ‘nuff.

It’s so simple to pin the ‘it’s all your fault’ tale (pun intended) on a scapegoat. It’s all too easy to shrug off responsibility for the fiasco that you, yourself, have created.

Bickering, backbiting and jealousies only result in hate and more hate. The Green-Eyed Monster, deservedly, is an unwelcome guest so let your soul be free of it. Act right now. Enjoy peace and contentment.

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