Tag Archives: pretty flower

YOU are a different flower from the same garden

Courtesy of B.M

Courtesy of B.M


Beauty is all around us. It envelops our very being. Feel the love in your heart. And, smile.

Yes, be happy with yourself. Endeavour to be the best YOU that you can possibly be. Hold your head up high. You are beautiful. In fact, YOU are beauty.

Always be confident. And know that YOU are a child of the Universe. You have a right to be here. The qualities you have are yours, uniquely yours. The talent you possess is yours, only yours. Take pride in them.

Walk tall. Be humble, for He has created you different from the rest. You are the pretty flower put on Earth to bloom and shine. Your traits are solely – and soully (pun intended) –  yours. Yes, yours alone. You are the original, not a duplicate. Feel the splendour of your whole being. Breathe. Embrace this knowledge. Reflect.

Yes, you are competent. Capable in ways you never imagined. You have the power. Just have Faith, and know that He has blessed you. Blessed YOU to be a good human being. Endowed you He has, with solutions to all your problems. Just be patient. Trust in His timing. As, without a doubt, His timing is perfect.

Be at peace with yourself. You are one of a kind. There is beauty inside you. That inner light radiates a pure brightness on everyone you meet. Goodness attracts goodness. Be gentle, kind and compassionate. This is how He wishes each one of us to be. The soul soars with delight…the heart sings. His Gifts are precious. Receive. Accept. And, be grateful.

Indeed, YOU are a treasure, more valuable than any gem that exists. Be proud of yourself. The Lord loves you best. Yes, you are like a pretty flower. Fragrance surrounds you. YOU are beauty…oh yes, you are!


Maloquacious © 2014