Monthly Archives: April 2013

The Path Down To The Beach

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image via web

The sandy path winds its way between palms so lush. These towering trees sway in the sand s of time. Seconds pass by.

Each moment, every experience creates a memory. Such are treasured memories made. Spend time relaxing, enjoy the thrill of each new day.

I watch clouds float gently by while birds soar gleefully in the gleaming sunshine. The sand shimmers in the sunlight and feels warm to the soles of my feet.

The palm trees whisper a soft welcome as I finally reach the sea.

Ooh! The waters are cool. Refreshingly cool. I wade knee deep. What a delight! The surf splashes about me and I spend time, savouring the experience. Carefree. Lazing. Enjoying. Basking in the moment. Lost in time.

The waters swirl around my ankles. Now and again a bit of seaweed entwines itself between my toes.

I hear the merry noises of children playing nearby. I see a few folk reading beneath the shade of the palms, engrossed in an enchanting world of their own. Here and there, bathers lay on towels eager to catch a beautiful bronze sun tan.

Toddlers play with sand, clasping spades and filling colourful buckets with the shiny granules. Shrieks of delight and giggles as youngsters excitedly splash water on each other. What a joyful sight!

Tall tumblers of fruit punch accepted eagerly by the beach-goers, as they cool themselves off. Deckchairs polka-dot the beach and a razzmatazz of psychedlic sun umbrellas stand prominantly along the shore.

I too sit on the sand. Pensive in thought. How peaceful the scene.. How serene my mind!

I am grateful for the blessing of the beach. I love the sight of the sea! And the restful sound of the gentle roll of the tide.


Maloquacious © 2013