Have a Super Fantastic 2012!


via studysols.com

Have a super fantastic 2012! Celebrate this beautiful gift with delight and gratitude. Another year of blessings!

Here’s my New Year’s wish for you, my friend…


May you enjoy good health and success

May Happiness be yours

May your dreams be realised

And your hopes ‘n wishes too.

May His light shine upon your home,

And keep you, your loved ones safe.

‘Tis the time for reconciliation

A warm embrace, forgiveness too.

Treasure old acquaintances,

Welcome new friends.

Cherish memories of the past!

Enjoy new experiences.

Have fun and celebrate.

Life is like a tapestry of magnificence..

That is interwoven with precious friends and family.

Allow compassion for everyone, young and old alike

Be strong in sorrow and steadfast in trials,

Let not setbacks discourage, but rather stir up fierce determination.

Value health, it’s His greatest gift.

Breathe the air and be thankful

Thankful for the sense of sight, smell, taste, touch

And listen to the sound of the Joy of Life!

Accept bright challenges,

Welcome new responsibilities.

Dare to be remarkable

Dare to be positive

And, above all, dare to be good!


All this and much more I wish for you in 2012. Thank you for being a part of my life. Peace be with you, my dear friend.


In the end I share with you—my all time favourite—Desiderata

Maloquacious © 2011

12 responses »

    • Yes, thank you, by His grace 2012 is coming along superbly…hope you’re blessed in every way! Thanks for liking the blog post and I much appreciate your time.. 🙂


Aww, thank you for leaving a comment.. Bless you!